
How To Draw Scott Pilgrim Style

This is an article for the principal protagonist of the series. If you're looking for the vocal of the same proper name, meet Scott Pilgrim (song). If you're looking for the graphic symbol who shares the same name with him, see Other Scott.

Spoiler alert!
This article contains plot/catastrophe details.

Scott William Pilgrim is the eponymous primal protagonist of the Scott Pilgrim series.


  • 1 Advent
  • 2 Biography
    • 2.1 Early life
    • two.2 University
    • 2.3 Mail service-college
    • 2.4 Meeting Ramona Flowers
    • ii.5 The Seven Evil Exes
      • ii.5.1 Crash and the Boys and Matthew Patel
      • ii.5.ii Breakup with Knives Chau
      • two.5.3 Lee'south Palace
      • 2.v.iv The vegan
      • 2.5.5 Getting it together
      • 2.v.half dozen Reunion with Lisa Miller
      • two.5.vii The fourth ex
      • 2.5.8 Death of the Katayanagi Twins
      • ii.5.9 Gideon Graves' warning
      • 2.5.ten Breakup of Sex Bob-omb
      • 2.five.11 Anarchy Theatre
    • 2.half-dozen Later on life
  • three Powers and abilities
    • 3.1 Fighting skills
    • iii.two The Glow
    • 3.three Attacks and moves
    • 3.4 Scott Pilgrim'due south Moveset
      • 3.4.1 Shoryuken
      • three.4.two Air Juggle
      • 3.iv.3 Reversal
      • 3.four.4 Musical Shield
      • 3.4.5 Yeti
      • 3.iv.half-dozen X-Strike
    • 3.5 Weapons
    • 3.six Scott Pilgrim'south Weapons
      • 3.six.1 Power of Love
      • 3.half-dozen.2 Ability of Understanding
      • 3.six.3 Power of Self-Respect
  • iv Scott'southward Evil Exes
    • four.1 Knives Chau
    • iv.2 Envy Adams
    • 4.iii Non-evil exes
  • 5 Personality and traits
  • vi Portrayal in adaptions
    • 6.1 In vs. the Globe
    • 6.two In vs. The World: The Game
      • 6.two.1 Endings
      • six.two.2 Game sprites
    • vi.3 In Other Media
      • 6.3.1 PENG
      • 6.three.2 Seconds
  • 7 Behind the scenes
    • 7.1 Development
  • 9 Notes and references

Appearance [ ]


Scott is a young blanched human being of average acme and build. He's consistently portrayed every bit having a short calorie-free dark-brown hair with thick blackness eyebrows in both the comics and the picture. Throughout volumes 1-2, Scott is shown having a shaggy hair (in the words of Ramona), issue of his fright of going to the barber later on a bad haircut which Scott claims was responsible for his breakup with Envy. In Volume three onward, in which Ramona convinces him to let her cut his hair, he has a shorter hairstyle that appears less messy than his previous one.

Scott seems very laid back with his sense of style with him usually wearing casual outfits with denim pants and sneakers. Due to this, Scott sports diverse t-shirts throughout the series. One of his nigh iconic ones is a green shirt with the print of a heart with his initials in the middle that he's seen with in volume 3 and the concluding act of the moving-picture show. This is also his default advent in the game.

Due to the cold weather of Toronto, Scott is constantly seen with a denim jacket with a fuzzy hood whenever he'south seen outside. The jacket also has the symbol of the Ten-Men sewn into his right shoulder, which is unsaid was sewn by Scott himself.

Biography [ ]

Early life [ ]

When Scott was iii, his parents had a 2nd daughter, Stacey.

Scott was born in Peterborough, Ontario, and moved to Northern Ontario at the historic period of 16. On his starting time twenty-four hour period at St. Joel'southward Cosmic High School, Scott got into a fight with three older boys, Scott lost the fight and was brought to the principal's office. Whilst waiting outside, Scott met Lisa Miller, and over the next couple of days, Lisa constantly bothered Scott, and somewhen became his friend.

Whilst at St. Joel's, Scott met Kim Pine, who was signed upwards as his partner for a presentation in history course, and the two became friends, to which Kim seemed less than pleased due to believing that Scott would slack off and brand her do all the work. Lisa planned to form a band with Scott in order to "transcend [their] grade condition" and become absurd, however, Scott pointed out that in that location was only ii of them and that the duo was lacking a drummer. Later at a school band concert, Scott noticed that Kim was playing the drums for the band, prompting them both to consider asking her to join their band.

On a Monday, Scott arrived at school to find various students unconscious on the flooring, Lisa arrives, revealing to Scott that a bunch boys from Benvie Tech Loftier School, known every bit the Benvie Tech Boys, came, kidnapped Kim, and beat everyone upwards. Scott then rushes to Benvie Tech in social club to save Kim, and his history presentation. Scott battled through Benvie Tech, effortlessly defeating the Benvie Tech Boys and finally reached their leader on the rooftop, Simon Lee, who had chained up Kim, keeping her prisoner. Scott fought Simon, and eventually defeated him, kicking him off the edge of the roof. Scott and then held hands with Kim, and told her that he thought they should be dating. Kim revealed she shared his feelings for her, and Scott then asked Kim if she wanted to join his band, Kim agreed to both, and the two shared a kiss. This event was later revealed to be a false retentiveness implanted by Gideon Graves, and in reality, Simon was just some nerdy kid who briefly dated Kim before Scott punched him in the face out of a fit of jealousy.

In the following weeks, Scott enjoyed his fourth dimension in high school, performing at St. Joel's Lunchapalooza with the ring, named Sonic & Knuckles, and spending fourth dimension with Kim, however, this came to a sudden cease when Scott's family moved to Toronto, leaving Kim backside. Information technology is eventually revealed that Scott didn't tell Kim about this, and he, in fact, told Lisa Miller, causing a rift between the two.

Academy [ ]

At some point Scott attended the University of Toronto and befriended Stephen Stills and Wallace Wells (the latter of which befriended Scott in the similar manner to how Lisa did).Whilst there, Stephen dated Julie Powers and Scott was introduced to her nerdy roommate, Natalie Adams. Despite Julie'southward attempts to keep Scott from dating her, the 2 formed a relationship. During the relationship, Scott, Natalie, and Stephen Stills formed a band chosen Child Chameleon, and Natalie began to change, she sold off all her toys and anime stuff and bought CDs and boots and asked Scott to commencement calling her Envy. As the relationship progressed, Green-eyed became increasingly distant to Scott. Every bit Kid Chameleon progressed, Envy began to have control, bringing Cole in as a drummer to supplant Scott, moving Scott to bass, and moving the current bassist, Steph Nordegraf, to bongos and viola. Natalie and then added another, unnamed guitarist to the band, increasing the band's members to vi. Scott and Envy'south relationship eventually reached breaking bespeak and on New year's day's Eve, the two had a big argument which resulted in them breaking upwardly. Scott and Stephen Stills left Kid Chameleon and Green-eyed eventually formed her own ring. Scott took the breakdown badly, causing him to become severely distraught over the slightest mention of Envy'due south proper noun.

Post-college [ ]

During the side by side two years, Scott finished his class at university, (although he is completely unaware if he graduated or non, due to his depression afterwards the break-upward) and formed the ring, Sex Bob-omb, with Stephen Stills and Kim, who had moved to Toronto, whilst he rented an flat with Wallace.

Some considerable time later, Scott met Knives Chau, a seventeen-yr-one-time high schooler, whilst on a double-decker with her mother, and the two started dating, the principal reason beingness that Scott found the relationship like shooting fish in a barrel and simple every bit all he did was ride the bus with her and talk about school. Despite Scott'south attitude and questionable dating, Scott had an increasing sense of loneliness.

Whilst dating Knives, Scott had an unusual dream about a mysterious girl he'd never met earlier, causing him to become distracted when on dates with Knives, Scott and then saw the girl at a library, further distracting him. Later on on, Scott and his friends went to a party at Julie's and Scott saw the girl again, removing whatsoever doubt that she wasn't real, Scott then tried, rather unsuccessfully, to conversation her up. Failing, Scott promised to go out her alone forever, then secretly stalked her until she left the party, later on, Scott asked various party members about her to try and find some information well-nigh her, he discovers that her proper name is Ramona Flowers, and that she is a delivery girl for the online retailer, Amazon. The next day, Scott orders some CDs from in order to get some other chance at coming together Ramona, unaware of the fact that information technology was a Saturday and that the CDs wouldn't ship until Mon and completely forgetting about his pseudo relationship with Knives. Whilst on the computer, Scott received an unusual East-post most an upcoming fight, Scott still, dismisses the message and deletes it on the grounds of being boring.

Coming together Ramona Flowers [ ]

Scott and Ramona share their outset kiss

On Monday, Ramona arrived with Scott's bundle and Scott asked her out. Ramona revealed that the reason why Scott had a dream about her was that she was using the Subspace Highway running through his head equally a shortcut for her deliveries. Ramona then agreed to exit with Scott as compensation for using his heed as a shortcut and ultimately making him become obsessed. Whilst on the date, Ramona talked about her by and mentions a guy named Gideon, when Scott asked nearly him, Ramona speedily inverse the subject area. Eventually, the two were hitting by a sudden snowstorm, forcing them to go dorsum to Ramona's Flat. Whilst there, Scott stumbles upon Ramona, who had gone upstairs to alter out of her moisture apparel and the two encompass a osculation. The two and so moved to the bed; still, Ramona stopped earlier the two had sex, but immune Scott to spend the night. In the morning, Scott invited Ramona to his ring's gig at The Rockit, alongside some other band, Crash and the Boys, forgetting that he'd likewise invited Knives to the gig.

The Seven Evil Exes [ ]

Crash and the Boys and Matthew Patel [ ]

At the concert, Knives Chau arrived and gave Scott a highly affectionate osculation, her appearance was closely followed by Ramona'due south. Realizing his own stupidity, Scott quickly ran off, feigning the demand to pee, and and so hid backstage. After Crash and the Boys finished their set, Sex Bob-omb started their gig, which was chop-chop interrupted when a mysterious man outburst through the club's ceiling challenging Scott to a fight, Scott hands countered the attack, sending him flying. When asked by Scott who he was, the man, Matthew Patel, revealed that he was Ramona'south first Evil Ex boyfriend. After a brusk bout, Ramona revealed the history betwixt her and Matthew. Afterward, he summoned a group of Demon Hipster Chicks and attempted to defeat Scott in a Bollywood-way fight. Scott easily countered, with assist from his friends and speedily defeated Matthew Patel, receiving a small advantage of $two.10, which wasn't even plenty for the subway dorsum home. Ramona agreed to requite Scott the remaining coin and apace left with Scott.

Whilst on the train back home, Ramona revealed that she has Vii Evil Exes and that Scott must defeat each Ex in club to engagement her, to which Scott casually agrees, Scott then asked if Gideon was one of the Evil Exes, causing Ramona to go angered and making her caput Glow.

Breakup with Knives Chau [ ]

Over the following days, Scott discovered that Ramona's next Evil Ex is Lucas Lee, a famous motion-picture show star, and former skater. Whilst dating Ramona, Scott was encouraged by Wallace to interruption-up with Knives, to which Scott grudgingly agreed. Scott broke upwards with Knives shortly after she awkwardly confessed her love for him, leaving Knives heart-broken, although Scott was initially saddened and guilted by breaking-upwards with Knives, he rapidly got over information technology when he started thinking almost Ramona.

Every bit Scott and Ramona's relationship continued, Ramona revealed a niggling more virtually her past life including her human relationship with Lucas. Later on in the week, Scott travelled to Casa Loma with Wallace to confront Lucas Lee, who was filming his latest movie there. Upon meeting Lucas, Scott became star struck and asked Lucas for his shorthand as opposed to fighting him, leaving Scott vulnerable and allowing Lucas to dial Scott to the ground and and then throw him into the side of the castle, causing Scott to pass out. When Scott woke upwardly, Lucas offered him a suspension and the 2 talked near his relationship with Ramona, causing Lucas to weep, Lucas then offered Scott the opportunity to throw the fight as long as Scott gave Lucas all his money, Scott instead called Lucas a sell-out, angering him. Scott rapidly got out of the situation past goading Lucas into performing a grind fob on a nearby grind rail, Lucas accepted, just almost the end of the trick, Lucas accumulated also much speed, and burst into flames, making Scott victor past default. After "defeating" Lucas, Scott received roughly fourteen dollars and a Mithril Skateboard, which Scott was unable to use equally he lacks skateboard proficiency.

Lee'southward Palace [ ]

Sometime after, Scott received a call from his ex-girlfriend, Green-eyed, inviting Sex Bob-omb to open a gig for her band, The Clash at Demonhead, at Lee's Palace. The call stirs old feelings inside Scott, the aftermath of which leaves Scott in a temporal, comatose-similar state.

Subsequently, Scott unwillingly went to Lee's Palace with Ramona and the remainder of his friends to see The Clash at Demonhead perform. When the band started their gig, Ramona revealed that Todd, the ring's bassist and current boyfriend of Green-eyed, is, in fact, her 3rd Evil Ex-beau, Todd Ingram.

Later on the performance, Scott and his friends were invited backstage past Green-eyed Adams. During an awkward gathering, Scott, angered by Todd's airs and cockiness, attacked Todd. Todd avoided this attack and his pilus began to stand on finish and his optics began the glow. Todd then managed to telekinetically throw Scott through a wall of Lee's Palace. After this, Envy revealed that Todd is a Vegan, which grants him psychic powers. After a small bout, Envy arranges to conclude the battle the next twenty-four hours at Honest Ed's.

The next day, Scott, Todd, Envy, and others met up at Honest Ed's. Envy then revealed the rules of the battle, which is to race through Honest Ed'southward, sally on the other finish, and defeat each other. The race started, and the two went inside Honest Ed'south. Whilst there, Scott and Todd suffered from sensory overload due to the masses of items available, the full effects of which were fractional blindness, hallucinations, and mental instability. Eventually, Todd lost command of his mental powers, and caused Honest Ed's to implode, stopping the battle at the tie.

Somewhen, the nighttime of Sexual activity Bob-omb'southward functioning arrived, and the band got on phase to perform. In an endeavour to proceeds popularity, all iii members dressed in black and promised to make the audience "think about decease and get sad and stuff." Still, before the band could play, Scott leaped off of the stage to intervene in a fight between Ramona and Green-eyed that started whilst the band was preparing. After this, information technology was revealed to Envy that Todd had been cheating on her with the Clash at Demonhead's drummer Lynette. Outraged, Envy attacked Lynette and Todd, the latter of whom retorted by offensively using his vegan powers on Envy, claiming immunity to moral boundaries due to his rock star condition.

The vegan [ ]

Scott faces Todd in a Bass Battle

Afterward this, Scott attacked Todd, making Scott'due south battle with Ramona's third Evil Ex underway. The battle started as a Bass Battle, however, Scott was quickly outmatched by Todd's superior Bass-playing prowess and was knocked back by a zap from Todd'southward psychic powers. After beingness knocked back, Scott was assisted past Crash and the Boys who had had a hostile takeover and were now under the proper name of The Boys!! and Crash! They revealed to Scott that they had learned to manipulate sound waves through sheer willpower lone. They planned to utilise Todd'south own sound waves to propel Scott toward Todd for straight attack; however, the ring found Todd's bass ability was too powerful for them to handle and all four of them were knocked back. Only when Scott's chances of success seemed minor, 2 characters showed up, calling themselves the Vegan Law. The Vegan Police arrived to arrest Todd for Veganity violation due to him eating Gelato (which contains milk and eggs) that afternoon. The two so used a Deveganizing Ray ray to strip Todd of his psychic powers, rendering him completely vulnerable. Scott so effortlessly defeated Todd with a powerful headbutt attack, shattering Todd into coins.

The adjacent day, Scott talked to Envy every bit she left home later on the ordeal involving Todd. Although Scott hoped to gain some kind of closure to their human relationship, all he got was an awkward goodbye as Green-eyed departed for the airport. Despite being permit downward past this, Scott is reassured by Ramona, who appear that Scott only had four more than exes to defeat in society to exist Ramona's official young man.

Getting it together [ ]

Two months subsequently, Scott and his friends traveled to the beach to stay at Julie'south auntie'south beach house. During their time at the business firm, Scott came across Kim and Knives, who were drunkenly making out after talking about their failed relationships. Freaked out, yet tickled Scott decided to keep the hush-hush to himself and announced to the rest of the group that they must have gone home.

Back in Toronto, Scott and Stephen helped Kim move into a new apartment with her friend Hollie, whilst there, Stephen noticed Hollie's roommate, Joseph, who had a recording studio in his room, prompting him to desire to record an album for Sex activity Bob-omb. Equally Scott and Ramona'south human relationship continued to abound, Scott began to ask more about Ramona's personal life, such as her age. However, Ramona remained secretive, refusing to tell Scott how one-time she was.

Reunion with Lisa Miller [ ]

The side by side solar day, Scott was ordered out of his apartment by Wallace due to a heat wave and lack of proper ventilation in their apartment, Scott agreed and went to the mall. Whilst there, Scott was recognized by a female, who quickly came up to Scott and embraced him. Upon realizing that Scott didn't recognize her, the daughter revealed to Scott that she was Lisa Miller, a friend of Scott's when he attended St. Joel'southward Catholic High Schoolhouse. The two and so talked about their lives since their divergence and Scott mentioned that he withal knows Kim and that she made out with a girl. When Lisa left, she gave Scott her phone number so he could contact her whilst she'southward in Toronto. The side by side day, Scott took Lisa to ring practice and then she could meet Kim, even so, upon arrival at Stephen'south house, they constitute no-ane apart from Immature Neil, who didn't seem to know where anyone was. The two then travelled to Hollie'southward Flat and found Stephen there in Joseph'southward room who revealed that anybody else was at Sneaky Dee's. At Sneaky Dee's, Lisa met upwardly with Kim and the two caught upward with their recent activities. After that night, Ramona arrived at Sneaky Dee'south. Whilst there, Ramona talked with Lisa, causing Scott to grow nervous due to unresolved sexual tension between the two.

In the following morning, Scott has a Zelda-esque dream when Ramona bumped into him. When Scott complained about Ramona'southward constant dream invasion, Ramona suggested that Scott should become a job then he wouldn't oversleep and thus Ramona wouldn't invade his dreams whilst working. Scott so spent the day request his various friends whether there was whatsoever bachelor job at their workplaces. When Scott arrived at No-Account Video to ask Kim, Kim took Scott to The Happy Avocado, Stephen's workplace, as there was dishwashing job available at that place. Despite beingness reluctant to take the job offer, Scott eventually agreed to take the job. On the way back, Scott and Kim are attacked by a guy with a samurai sword who cut straight through a passing streetcar to reach them. Scott, terrified by the man'south presence, opened a door to the subspace highway, assuasive the two to escape. Confused past the encounter, Kim left Scott, challenge she had to become.

In the following days, Sex activity Bob-omb connected to record their album and spend their nights at Sneaky Dee'south with the rest of their friends, practicing less and less to the dismay of Young Neil, who began to feel that his friends were abandoning him. On their style dorsum home from these nights, Ramona began to casually enquire Scott almost Lisa and if he had any romantic feelings for her, to which Scott denied. The next morning time Scott and Wallace traveled to the office of their landlord, Peter who wished to have a meeting with them. Whilst there, Peter, revealed that the lease for their apartment was up and that they would have to leave or pay month to month to continue living there. The two, dumbfounded by their electric current predicament, left each other and Scott went to confront his first day of piece of work at the Happy Avocado. Afterward his day at work, a tired Scott started to make his mode back abode when he got attacked by a mysterious blackness blur. Scott managed to attack the blur, revealing it to be a female ninja, who Scott had succeeded in punching in the boob. After leaving Scott with a cryptic message, the mysterious ninja adult female left, leaving Scott confused. That same night, the group performed the usual routine of recording at Hollie's apartment and eating at Sneaky Dee'due south. With Ramona absent-minded, Lisa asked Scott to walk her home and whilst doing so, Lisa fabricated a drunken pass at Scott, which he turned down. Back at his apartment, Scott talked to Wallace about their situation regarding the apartment, Wallace suggests that Scott movement in with Ramona, to which Scott is uncertain of.

The quaternary ex [ ]

The next twenty-four hours, Scott was walking to the Happy Avocado with Stephen Stills when he noticed the mysterious human being who had attacked him a couple of days ago. Scott hid whilst the homo walked past, confusing Stephen. Whilst at the Happy Avocado, Stephen mentioned that he may have seen him before, but was interrupted by Scott when he sees the ninja girl who had besides attacked him. Scott then asked Stephen who the girl was talking to, and Stephen discovered it was Scott'due south girlfriend, Ramona. Confused, Scott went to confront the two. After talking to the two, it eventually dawns on Scott that Ramona had a "sexy phase" in college and that the girl was Ramona's 4th evil ex, Roxie Richter. Roxie prepared to attack Scott, however, Scott was reluctant as she had a sword. Ramona and then agreed to assistance Scott and allowed him to hibernate in her mysterious Subspace Suitcase in commutation for a weapon. Ramona travelled to Subspace, where she battled Roxie with Scott nonetheless in her suitcase. Although Ramona initially appeared to have the upper manus, Roxie speedily outclassed her with superior speed and knocked her to the footing, leaving her with some hurtful words.

After the fight, Scott talked to Ramona near the situation regarding his apartment and Ramona, rather reluctantly, agrees to let Scott move in with her. Equally Lisa began to spend more fourth dimension around with Scott and the gang, Ramona began to grow suspicious of Lisa'south feelings towards Scott. Ramona eventually confronts Scott almost this, leading to an argument which resulted in Ramona leaving Scott to get back to her place alone. Scott then went back to his flat, where he was greeted by Wallace and some guy having sex activity. Wallace and so proceeded to tell a mentally scarred Scott that he was fired from his job and that he couldn't stay the dark. Scott then walked around the neighborhood, unsure where he'll stay until he rummages through his pockets and realized he had Lisa's number, which he had received earlier. With no other option, Scott chosen Lisa so he could spend the dark.

Whilst at Lisa's sister's apartment, Lisa confessed that she still had feelings for Scott and that she had been intentionally dressing provocatively for Scott. The two so talk well-nigh loftier school and how they never expressed their feelings towards each other and Lisa throws herself at Scott, suggesting they should accept a relationship. Scott then blacks out and, after having a dream representing his torment which was invaded past Roxie, awakes with no recollection of what happened. Lisa reveals that Scott confessed his dear of Ramona to Lisa. After Scott heard this, he realized how important the human relationship was to him and Scott immediately set off to reconcile with Ramona. Withal, before doing so, Scott went dorsum to the Happy Avocado to go his task back, which he succeeds in doing, despite wearing the same shirt from the 24-hour interval before.

Later on completing his shift, Scott went to Second Cup to get a free coffee from his sister merely to find Knives Chau working at that place. As Scott is well-nigh to leave, he notices the man who attacked him earlier, who Knives casually reveals is her dad. Knives so explains to Scott that her dad's brain must take cracked open to be replaced past, "a purely mechanical engine of revenge" afterwards he discovered that Knives dated a white guy. Knives' dad so spotted Scott and gave chase. Scott attempted to lose Mr. Chau through Subspace; withal, upon landing in Subspace, Scott found himself him Ramona's caput, where she was beingness held as a slave for a mysterious effigy in glasses. When Ramona noticed Scott, she freaked out, and forcibly removed him from Subspace, while Ramona was initially aroused about this, she calmed downwardly afterwards she realized it wasn't his mistake and told him to forget what he saw. Scott then admitted that he spent the night at Lisa'due south, making Ramona believe Scott was in love with Lisa. However, before Scott had time to deny this, it was revealed that Roxie spent the night at Ramona'due south. Seeing this disorientated Scott and cause his head to Glow just as Ramona'due south had previously. Scott and so wandered off and came across a shadowy doppelganger of himself. Scott, repulsed past the figure, charged straight through it and went dorsum to Ramona'south apartment.

At that place, Scott came across Mr. Chau, who had followed Scott through Subspace. Scott ran through Ramona'southward apartment, not wanting to fight Mr. Chau because he had a sword. Scott made his way to the bathroom, and in pursuit of Scott, Mr. Chau bumped into Roxie who, believing Mr. Chau to be an assassin sent by Gideon to complete Roxie's mission, attacked him. Whilst fighting Mr. Chau, Roxie came to the determination that Scott is simply a pussy who can't fight his own battles. After hearing this, Scott mans upwardly to tell Ramona he loves her. Doing and then gave Scott over ix,999 experience points, causing Scott to level upwardly and earned the Power of Honey. Now possessing a sword of his ain, Scott confronts Roxie and defeated her in a mid-air clash, slicing Roxie in two and causing her to outburst into a group of hirsuite woodland critters. After this, Scott apologizes to Mr. Chau for dating his daughter. Mr. Chau accepts, signified by a bow, showing that Scott had earned his respect. Sometime afterward, Scott moves into Ramona'due south apartment and the two enjoy the rest of summer. Saying cheerio to Lisa, Ramona likewise reveals to Scott that she is 24 and that her birthday is January the first.

Expiry of the Katayanagi Twins [ ]

As months passed, Scott's human relationship with Ramona started to plough rather dull. The affection held between them stagnated to exist of little worth, with Ramona returning to reclusivity, while Scott reverts to his most obnoxious state yet. Scott becomes particularly dubious of Ramona upon sighting the Gideon Graves letter again, becoming uncertain if their love endured beyond their intimate night conversation at Lisa Miller's good day party. With the band's anthology decaying and their social circle fragmenting, the inflow of the Katayanagi Twins, Ramona'due south 5th and sixth ex-boyfriends, pushes their human relationship to worst state yet. During a gig arranged by the Twins, Scott Pilgrim fought a robot and broke his blood brother'due south bass in the process. Ramona and so kicked Scott out of the apartment temporarily and Scott went on to live with Wallace for a while.

Wallace revealed data on Gideon Graves to Scott. Kim revealed that her and Hollie's relationship had too been strained, due to Kim'due south boyfriend Jason cheating on her with her roommate, and Young Neil had get fifty-fifty more of a dick, replying to questions frustratedly and sarcastically as well as smoking. Scott spent the dark at Kim's identify. They made arrangements so Scott could casually walk in while Kim and Ramona were talking, which turned out to piece of work. Kim drew attention to Ramona's caput glowing, the first time anyone had done so. But when they went to look in a mirror, information technology had stopped.

When at another 1 of Julie'southward parties, the Twins got Scott into fighting a Super Fighting Robot, a boxing which he won. Scott went on to get drunk on tequila with Kim and Ramona. Scott and Ramona got habitation to their apartment where they had sex and afterward, Ramona asked Scott if information technology was true that he cheated on her with Knives Chau. Later on some persuasion, he confirmed this. Ramona'southward head started glowing again and Scott worried aloud that she might intermission up with him. Ramona was plain disappointed in Scott for not existence who she believed him to exist and said that he was just another evil ex-boyfriend waiting to happen.

The following morning, Scott woke up to see that Ramona was no longer in their bed, although he quickly realized she was only in the shower. He picked up a phone call from Kim saying she needed help and he left the building. He found that the Twins had caught Kim in a cage. They worked together so they could fight him more finer. Information technology seemed like Scott was losing, and then Kim tricked Scott into believing Ramona texted her saying she believes in him in club to motivate him. It worked and Scott successfully defeated both Twins. When Scott got back to the apartment, he constitute Ramona who had cutting off her hair. Scott told Ramona that he loved her no matter what, but Ramona started crying and said good day to Scott before using the Glow to teleport herself out of the room. Scott accidentally locked himself out of the apartment non long after. Scott slept at Stephen'south and and so at Kim's again. Ramona's cat also ran abroad and Scott kept trying to lure it into coming dorsum, but without success. Scott also talked to Wallace again and got to meet his new mystery boyfriend, Mobile (who Scott mistakes him for Gideon due to the fact that he wore glasses).

Gideon Graves' warning [ ]

Kim decided to move dorsum to her parents and Scott saw her off before she got on the bus. Scott apologized to her for behaving so badly, and she accepted. Then she left.

Scott ended up getting a new flat paid for by his parents. His brother also visited him, and Scott mistook him for Gideon due to the fact that he wore glasses.

He read the notation Ramona left Gideon earlier, saying she is leaving him, but Scott couldn't effigy out why Ramona never sent him the annotation. Scott besides got a phone phone call from someone he couldn't figure out who information technology is. The person revealed that he was Gideon, request Scott this: "When it would be user-friendly for you to die?"

Breakup of Sex Bob-omb [ ]

Scott spent a lot of time postponing his fight with Gideon, dealing with Ramona dumping him by playing video games. He sometimes had nightmares including her, his other ex-girlfriends, and Gideon. Wallace encouraged Scott to sleep with women. He also hung out with Stephen Stills, who made it official that Sex Bob-omb had disbanded and that Stephen at present had his own ring that Scott wasn't a member of. Scott subsequently got to run across the other members of the band. He also encountered Knives Chau who had now turned 18. She appear that she would movement from Toronto after she graduated from loftier school. Scott suggested for them to take "casual sex", simply Knives said that she was finally over him, and was trying to learn how to dearest herself, even though she notwithstanding loved him. They decided to make out for a while instead but they were very unsatisfied with the turnout.

Scott also met Envy Adams at some other party and tried to put the moves on her, but it didn't go very well. He asked her if she wanted to go dorsum together or just have coincidental sex, which she didn't accept very seriously. From his chat with Envy, he gathered that his memories of their past relationship may not be entirely right. Scott encountered Gideon just fled.

Ramona'south cat also came back and spent the night in Scott'due south bed. Encouraged by Wallace, Scott went on a "wilderness sabbatical" to Kim's parents in lodge to cleanse his mind. He and Kim took a walk in the forest and while they were talking, Scott all of a sudden kissed her, and she kissed him dorsum merely stopped it rather rapidly. She also reminded him that he did not remember exactly what it was like when they dated, specifically the details concerning Scott moving to Toronto, and how he beat upwards Simon Lee. Scott's caput started glowing and the dark version of himself would return, emerging from the bushes. Scott tried to fight his dark clone, but Kim told him that if he kept forgetting his mistakes, he would just make them again. He as well started thinking near Ramona. This resulted in Scott merging with his dark clone and getting his proper memories back. Scott then returned to Toronto.

Chaos Theatre [ ]

Scott went to the newly opened Chaos Theatre, owned by Gideon. He met Young Neil there and to the latter'south neat joy, referred to him every bit simply "Neil" when introducing him to Stacey Pilgrim. Envy was due to perform the songs of her new solo album at the opening of the social club, and while she did and then, Scott met Gideon in the crowd. They started to fight and Gideon was shocked to learn that Scott had been left by Ramona. He stole the Power of Love from Scott and invited him to join The League of Evil Ex-Boyfriends, only Scott declined. Gideon so killed Scott using the sword. Scott woke upwardly in the Dream Desert, where he was reunited with Ramona. She apologized to him for beingness a lousy girlfriend and for being so selfish, leaving him for her ain sake and returning for her own sake. Nevertheless, Scott started kissing her, earlier realizing that he was truly dead. But correct in that moment, Scott was reminded that he had an Extra Life, and was thus revived.

Ramona likewise appeared at Chaos Theatre from Scott'southward head and Gideon revealed his evil plans to freeze her along with his other ex-girlfriends, awaiting the day when they would all get out with him. Gideon acquired everyone's heads to start glowing. During the battle with Gideon, Scott and Ramona argued, and Gideon revealed that he had written a drunken rant on Craigslist which had resulted in the League of Evil Exes. Ramona tried to escape by using The Glow again, merely information technology failed since Gideon ran her through with his sword. Gideon explained the true nature of his invention, the Glow, and what his and Ramona'due south relationship had been like. Scott used Subspace to travel to Ramona's head, where a far more powerful Gideon awaited him. However, Scott managed to headbutt Gideon, giving him the Glow. Gideon sliced Scott autonomously, but Ramona told him that fifty-fifty though function of her still belonged to him, the other ones were finished with him, summoning clones of her past selves. This convinced Gideon to get out of Ramona's caput, just as he was about to attack Scott once they were dorsum at Chaos Theatre Ramona let her Subspace Suitcase have the blow instead. The bag exploded and Ramona earned the Power of Love.

Scott suddenly realized how his incapability of treatment relationships well was like to Gideon'southward, which earned him a new sword, The Power of Agreement. Gideon revealed he had built a sword into Envy's dress in case of emergency, and started fighting the others. Ramona managed to disarm him however and together, she and Scott defeated him. Scott also patched things up with Envy, fifty-fifty though Gideon had briefly been her swain. Scott and Ramona explained to some of their friends what had happened during the battle, and what Ramona had been doing when she left Scott, which turned out not to exist much. Scott suggested they effort to "concur on" and requite their relationship another shot. Ramona was doubtful since she idea she couldn't change, but Scott told her information technology just took practice.

Later life [ ]

Scott went back to his old job at The Happy Avocado, which he had avoided going to for a long time. He was promoted to prep cook. Scott finally learned that Stephen was now in a relationship with Joseph, causing him to beginning fanboying and Joseph to tell Stephen he hated his friends.

Scott started a new band with Kim, named Shatter Band. They tried playing to "the only two people who could e'er be their fans", Knives and Neil, simply they did not like it since they had adult gustation. The new band went on playing to Scott'south true cat anyway.

Knives said goodbye to Scott before leaving. And so, Scott bundled a coming together with Ramona, where they agreed to try again with their relationship. They took the door to Subspace and jumped together.

Powers and abilities [ ]

Fighting skills [ ]


Scott is a highly capable fighter, using various moves and techniques derived from various games, most noticeably from the Street Fighter series. Scott'southward fighting prowess is said to be incredible; according to Kim Pine, it's earned him the championship "the best fighter in the Province". He can use incredible moves such every bit the Shoryuken and the Air Juggle. Scott has also shown the ability to level up, doing so increases his stats, and grants him a sword to use in gainsay, Scott is as skillful with swords equally he is at manus-to-hand combat, due to him taking a longsword proficiency in Grade five.

Scott appears to have some corporeality of absolute force and immovability, as he was able to destroy three robots without also much hassle and was able to survive powerful onslaughts from the Evil Exes, including being thrown into the side of Casa Colina past Lucas Lee, being thrown high into the atmosphere past Todd Ingram, and having a warehouse autumn on him. he as well possesses absolute speed as he could react, contrivance and fifty-fifty land a punch on a faster than the eye tin can see the opponent.

The Glow [ ]

Primary article: Glow

Scott headbutts Gideon, infecting him with the Glow

In book iv, Scott is infected with Gideon's glow, which in turn results in the awakening of Nega Scott. Although he isn't actually able to control it like Gideon and Ramona practice, he tin can still discover ways to exploit it such as in volume 6 when Scott passes the Glow to Gideon by headbutting him.

Attacks and moves [ ]

Scott Pilgrim's Moveset [ ]

Shoryuken [ ]

Best Fighter in the Province.png
The Shoryuken is a movement in which Scott uppercuts the opponent past jumping in the air. He uses during his fight against Matthew Patel.

Its proper noun comes from a similar attack of the same proper name from the Street Fighter series

Air Juggle [ ]

The Air Juggle is a move executed mid-air by Scott where he continously hits the opponent 64 times with a punch barrage and then finishes by punching him to the ground. He combines this motion with the Shoryuken to attack Matthew Patel.

It is a reference to the aeriform attacks seen in fighting games such equally Super Smash Bros. and Marvel vs. Capcom.

Reversal [ ]

V1-8-reversal1--article image.jpg
Reversal is a counter motion in which Scott blocks the opponent's attack and then punches them with enough force to send him to the air. He uses information technology to counter Matthew Patel coming at full speed from the roof towards him.

Reversal is a standard counter assault that is seen in many fighting games.

Musical Shield [ ]


The Musical Shield is a force field that Scott and his friends conjure via singing and the power of the friendship, courage and any. They use it to defend against Matthew Patel'due south fireballs.

It does not appear in the picture show. Instead, Scott only dodges the fireballs and then throws a cymbal at Matthew'south head.

Yeti [ ]


The Yeti is a projection-like giant monster that is summoned from the baloney pedal of Scott'due south bass to fight the Snow Dragons of the Katayanagi Twins. Much like the Musical shield, the Yeti is conjured from Sex Bob-omb'southward musical power and Scott'south jealously after seeing Gideon with Ramona.

It is but seen in the flick, all the same, it makes a cameo as an screen-wide special attack in Scott Pilgrim vs. the World: The Game, which appears when all four players use their taunts at the same time.

Ten-Strike [ ]

The X-Strike is a move used by both Scott and Ramona. Information technology consists of them dashing forward with their swords in an "10" position, slashing their opponent. It is used equally a finisher to defeat Gideon for expert.

It'south a reference to the Double Tech of the aforementioned proper name performed by Crono and Frog in the SNES game Chrono Trigger.

Weapons [ ]

Scott Pilgrim's Weapons [ ]

Power of Love [ ]

The Power of Dearest is a weapon that Scott unlocks in Volume 4 subsequently confessing his feelings to Ramona. Information technology takes the form of a katana with a heart decoration that emerges from his chest. He uses it to defeat Roxy Richter for good.

In volume half-dozen, Gideon steals it from Scott and kills him with information technology. After he'south revived by his Extra Life, Gideon even so uses the sword against him. He as well manages to injure Ramona and destroy her Subspace Suitcase. That is until Ramona herself steals it back and uses it to bargain the last blow on Gideon.

In the movie, Scott unlocks the sword after announcing his dearest for Ramona as he confronts Gideon, but after fighting his minions, he loses the sword after clashing blades with Gideon.

Power of Understanding [ ]

The Power of Understanding.jpg
The Power of Understanding is a weapon that Scott unlocks by the finish of volume 6 afterward agreement that he and Gideon are more similar than he realized and that he tin alter for the better. He uses it to defeat Gideon for proficient with the help of Ramona wielding the Power of Love.

Power of Self-Respect [ ]

Scott Power Of Self Respect.png
The Ability of Self-Respect is a sword that just appears in the movie. Scott unlocks it later on realizing that he's not but fighting Gideon for Ramona, he's as well fighting Gideon for himself. He fared much ameliorate against Gideon's minions, and so Gideon himself. Withal, he loses the sword later trying to cake a slash from Gideon's Pixel Katana.

Scott'south Evil Exes [ ]

Despite the main premise of the serial is Scott's quest to defeat Ramona Flowers' 7 evil exes and balancing it with his own day-to-day life, Scott has racked up his own "Evil Exes".

Knives Chau

Knives Chau [ ]

The first is Knives Chau, the 17-year-old Chinese school girl whom he dumped for Ramona. Despite her occasional interference to help Scott, since all she wants is for him to exist happy, Knives has attacked Ramona twice and Knives' father has gone after Scott as well.

Green-eyed Adams [ ]

Green-eyed Adams

The other is Green-eyed Adams, lead vocals for The Clash at Demonhead, former band mate in university, and sometime girlfriend. Green-eyed arrives on scene dating Ramona's 3rd evil ex, Todd Ingram, the bass player for their grouping. Despite Todd existence the evil ex, it could hands be argued that overcoming Envy is a greater challenge for Scott. At the end of Book half dozen, the antagonistic nature of his relationship with Envy ended with positive closure after he defeated Gideon and Envy saw the truth of the relationships she had recently had.

Non-evil exes [ ]

Kim Pino and Lisa Miller tin can be considered some of his 'evil' exes. Notwithstanding, Kim all the same holds strong feelings for him, though she does her best to hibernate them. Mainly she shows her annoyance at Scott's frequent ineptitude. Although Lisa and Scott never got in a human relationship, they held mutual attractions in loftier school and Lisa (unintentionally) caused the about trouble with the relationship between Scott and Ramona.

Personality and traits [ ]

Scott is a cheerful and laid-back individual who is pretty open and friendly to nearly people. He is quite content with his current state of affairs in life and while he does non prove much motivation to better himself unless need be, he also is seemingly unburdened past the same sort of neuroses or problems that his friends have. Furthermore, he does possess an odd form of charisma; despite the complaints and problems of his friends with his faults, they exercise mostly enjoy spending time with him and being his friend, fifty-fifty the stoic Stephen and bleak Kim, showing that he serves every bit something of a bright spot in their lives. Notwithstanding, beneath his cheerful exterior, he has his problems. His dreams show him feeling lonely and craving emotional intimacy, but also seems agape of being able to approach people for it. Across this though, he is lackadaisical and even a scrap naïve on certain matters. He has a bad tendency to stick his pes in his mouth and not consider the consequences of his words or choices. Ultimately, it's a artless sensibility, which reflects his good nature, but also naivety and the need to further grow upwardly. This includes being more assertive to face up certain bug he would not desire to.

When it comes to romantic relationships, Scott is ultimately a well-intentioned, supportive and caring partner, merely non without his bug. He enjoys spending fourth dimension with his girlfriend and is usually filled with smiles and jokes. He legitimately cares about each i of his girlfriends and views them as all equal to ane another. Best noted in his 2d dream where he is in a band alongside Envy, Kim and most notably Knives, which show that despite the jabs of him dating her as a rebound, he saw her and their relationship just as valid and existent as his with Scott and Envy. From first glance, he doesn't appear to exercise anything wrong in his relationships and seems to exist supported past seeing the interactions with others. It's likely why he considered himself a "paragon of virtue."

However, he is still human and thus prone to self-centered or selfish beliefs. This has been the chief reason for the failure in his romantic relationships. However, this behavior manifests in such a sure and unimposing manner that information technology would not be noticed at first glance. All of Scott's romantic relationships (at least those shown in the novels) have failed as they did because Scott wasn't the one to instigate the intermission-up. Scott shows bang-up reluctance and discomfort at being confronted with the thought of having to break-up with a girl (this is not explained why though given his annunciation on non fighting girls, it may be a possible extension of how he was raised as such or just plain fearfulness of confrontation.) As such, he will avert the result or try to sidestep it until the external factors that have been pushing him to do so instead cause the relationship to collapse.

With him and Kim, it was because he got Lisa to say so rather than he tell her himself. With Knives, it was considering he did not interruption upwardly with her soon after his "hook-up" with Ramona (though that in it of itself is a complicated situation.) This is a reflection of his naivety and selfishness of non wanting to face up unpleasant aspects of relationships and exercise what is to be needed. His fallout with Envy is a variation of this as we eventually larn that the breakdown was instigated from a big fight he had with Envy after he got boozer (presumably based on all the frustrations and problems that were formed from her changes in behavior and decisions on the band over the choices of the others). However, given how Wallace would recommend to Scott he dump her upon kickoff meeting her, the implications are it went as bad every bit information technology did because he did not cease his human relationship with Green-eyed sooner (instead it built up until he ends up drunk and the fight happens.)

Additionally, Scott failed to notice this mistake considering of its subtle and counterintuitive manifestation. When he is forced to speak on his and Kim'due south human relationship, he doesn't blame either one of them. Regarding him and Green-eyed, he seems to somewhat blame her for information technology ending (though this is the consensus shared by his friends.) With him and Knives though, he does admit that he was not a good boyfriend to her in that regard He would exist forced to confront the issue in the grade of the Nega Scott. He seems heavily reluctant to, lending more to the nonconfrontational aspect of him. Furthermore, it'southward likely because information technology carries the shame that he ended upward doing what he was trying to avoid doing. With Kim's encouragement though, he does fuse with NegaScott, as a form of accepting his mistakes, which makes him regain his memory of all past events of his failed relationships. This makes his confrontation with Gideon more meaningful as when it comes to relationships, Gideon is a nighttime reflection of Scott. Both are rooted in selfishness, but while Scott's is unintentional, roundabout and ultimately to take his shortcomings, Gideon'southward is intentional, bluntly straightforward and he does non acknowledge information technology every bit a flaw. Additionally, Scott genuinely cared for each one of his girlfriends equally individuals, Gideon saw them as extensions of himself to fawn over him.

Obviously, Scott used to exist a frequent drinker, even though he repeatedly says that he doesn't drink at all. He stopped drinking after his break-upwards with Green-eyed Adams (thus, what Stephen Stills said nigh Scott having been drunkard the night Envy broke upwardly with him was true), after which he always denies his history as a drinker whenever it comes upwards. This is why everyone ever says "Oh right" when Scott says he doesn't drink. While he does come to admit that he sometimes drinks, he is never seen to exist enjoying it.[1]

The events in the book and movie are mostly seen through Scott's worldview. This is clear from Volume 1 with his presentation tag: "Scott Pilgrim... Rating: Awesome". In addition, this places the accuracy of the flashbacks, and even the entire serial, into question, as Scott tin can exist considered an unreliable narrator.

Portrayal in adaptions [ ]

In vs. the Earth [ ]

Michael Cera as Scott Pilgrim

Scott Pilgrim is played by Michael Cera whose previous works include Superbad, Juno, Youth in Revolt, Year Ane, Nick and Norah' s Infinite Playlist, and Arrested Evolution.

Instead of being 23 years old, similar in the comic book, Scott is 22.

Scott plays a Fireglo Rickenbacker 4003 Bass Guitar, which has to be fixed with duct tape after the fight with Todd Ingram, even though he has a Sunburst Fender Jazz Bass Guitar in the back of the rehearsal room. After Scott refuses Gideon's offer to be the band's sponsor, Immature Neil steals his bass only plays a Jetglo Rickenbacker 4003 Bass at the Chaos Theatre.

Scott's encephalon is shown as a gauge or a bicycle with responses to say. At one point, Ramona asks about Knives and the wheel in Scott's head gets stuck between "I have to pee" and "Who her?" to which he says "I accept to pee on her."

After defeating the Katayanagi twins, he tries to tell Ramona that he is in love with her, but instead, he blurts out, "I'm in lesbians with you!"

After losing Ramona and his ring to Gideon, Wallace tells Scott that he should surrender on Ramona, and move out of their apartment. However, after overhearing Scott's telephone conversation with Gideon, he changes his mind, telling Scott that Gideon is a "perfect asshole" and that Scott should destroy him.

Afterwards existence asked why he's fighting for Ramona, Scott responds that he is in honey with her, earning him the "Ability of Dear" sword. He loses the sword in a heated battle with Gideon. Knives swoops in to preclude Gideon from finishing off Scott, right before she focuses on a captive Ramona. As Scott tries to suspension upwards the fight, he accidentally reveals that he cheated on Knives with Ramona. In the midst of the emotional turmoil that followed, Gideon manages to stab Scott from behind, killing him.

He so finds himself in a dream-like sequence. Ramona visits him, telling him that she literally tin can't get Gideon out of her head, as he implanted a bit in the back of her head, and that perchance she isn't the ane Scott should be fighting for. Then Scott remembers he got an Extra Life from the Katayanagi twins and rewinds dorsum to when he arrived at the Chaos Theatre (in a deleted scene, he rewinds to the moment when he sees Wallace naked with another guy, and complains about having to see that once more).

Scott makes up with his friends, giving Young Neil his spot equally bassist, along with the fifty-fifty greater accolade of being known simply every bit "Neil". When Gideon asks if Scott wants to fight him for Ramona, Scott replies that he is fighting for himself. This earns him the Power of Self-Respect (in identify of The Ability of Understanding in the book). Scott, Knives, and Ramona defeat Gideon. Scott before long afterward confronts his evil doppelganger Nega Scott, but instead of fighting, they "shoot the shit" and make plans to meet for brunch.

Ramona intends to leave Scott to showtime her life over, but Knives tells Scott to hunt Ramona instead. At the stop of the pic, Scott and Ramona renew their relationship and walk into a Subspace door holding hands.

When Ramona asks Scott how old Knives is, the roulette wheel in his mind has the following choices: "She's Nobody", "She'due south Forty!", "Idiot!", "No Speaka English", "When's Dinner", "Uhh...", "Tell Pac Man Story", "No, You Are", "Laissez passer Out", "It Was Nothing", "Who Her?" and "I Gotta Pee".

In vs. The World: The Game [ ]

Enemies autumn at the power of Knives' Love for Scott.

Scott's main art in the game.

Scott is i of the seven playable characters you tin can choose from in the game. (This is his game, later all). Many of his moves are references to Street Fighter (his Super Attack is the Shinku Tatsumaki Senpukyaku while i of his Tech Moves is the Fukiage).

Whenever Scott clears an area, he exits the screen past teleporting, a reference to the Mega Homo serial.

Scott's sprite from the game appears twice in the film: the head is used as the extra life Scott obtains after he defeats the Katayanagi Twins, and the sprite itself appears and beats upward the "The Finish" logo earlier teleporting abroad after the credits.

Endings [ ]

Happily ever after?

Scott's ending in the game is much different than the movie and the books. After Gideon's defeat, Ramona leaves Scott. Sometime later, he begins to have a human relationship amongst all iii of his ex-girlfriends (Envy, Kim, and Knives). It is uncertain if he is truly happy.

Playing equally other characters lead Scott to different fates:

  • Ramona'southward ending is canonical, following the books with her and Scott together and about to jump through subspace.
  • In Stephen Stills' ending, Scott, Stephen, and Kim go famous and rich.
  • In Kim'southward catastrophe, she walks toward a nervous Scott's direction with a suggestive smile, only to walk correct past him and hook-upward with Knives, while a confused Stephen Stills and Scott look on.
  • In Knives' ending, she is getting married to a very confused Scott.
  • In Nega Scott'due south ending, Scott and his friends go Nega Scott'south slaves. Nega Scott dominates the world.

Game sprites [ ]

In Other Media [ ]

PENG [ ]

Scott's cameo in PENG

Scott Pilgrim makes a cameo advent in some other graphic novel published by Oni Printing, Corey Lewis'south PENG. He appears as a substitute for the protagonists' team and is called to accept Kurt's place. Scott refuses, not knowing why he is fifty-fifty there.

Seconds [ ]

Scott and Ramona in Seconds

Scott, forth with Ramona, as well makes a cameo advent in another Bryan Lee O'Malley comic, "Seconds". Scott and Ramona can be seen eating together in the protagonist's eatery. Scott was eating avocado (could be a reference to The Happy Avocado) and Ramona was eating salad and some kind of staff of life.

Behind the scenes [ ]

Scott wearing his Holden-esque hat from Volume 2.

Scott Pilgrim is portrayed by Michael Cera, who is popular for his portrayal of a young Chuck Barris in Confessions of a Dangerous Mind.

In both the book and the movie, Scott is seen wearing a lid that appears very similar to the headwear of the primary graphic symbol Holden Caulfield from J. D. Salinger's archetype novel The Catcher in the Rye – merely like Holden's hat, Scott'due south is cherry-red in color and has a meridian and ear flaps. Knives labeled it "dorky" to which Scott objected.

It is revealed in the colour edition of Volume one that Scott'southward height is near v'ten"-5'11'', making him slightly higher up average height for a male.

His birthday is September 27th, 1980.

When Kim says Scott is the best fighter in the province, she refers to Scott winning the All-Ontario Fighting Tournament when he was 19. This was originally going to be put in a flashback during Volume vi.[two]

Scott'due south X-Men patch (representing Xavier's School for Gifted Youngsters) appears in both the comic and the moving picture on his coat. He admits to making the patch himself in the comic.

Evolution [ ]

Scott Pilgrim is named afterwards the song "Scott Pilgrim" by Plumtree , one of creator Bryan Lee O'Malley's favorite songs. Scott'south hobby is playing video games, strongly influenced by Mr. O'Malley. He lives in Toronto, in the Canadian province of Ontario and is the bassist for the indie rock band Sex Bob-omb. In the books, Scott Pilgrim plays a Fireglo Rickenbacker 4001C64. O'Malley chose this bass every bit information technology was the dream guitar that he could not beget....

Quotes [ ]

"You once were a Ve-gone, merely now you will exist gone."- (In the moving-picture show) - Scott to Todd Ingram

"Bread makes you fat?!" (In the moving picture) - Scott to Ramona Flowers

"You suck, surprising no one! If bad was a kick, you'd fit it! Y'all're a stupid poo-poo head! I had sexual relations with your female parent! Your mother was not that proficient in bed! You, sir, are a wretched soul! I am safety, you are glue!"

"I'm in lesbians with you!"- (In the movie) - Scott to Ramona Flowers

"That's not what your mom said last night!"- (In Vs. the Animation) - Scott to Simon Lee

"You self erect!"- (in the movie) - Scott to Todd Ingram

Notes and references [ ]

  1. service/23914857678/q-a-for-may-27-2012
  2. service/23468620840/q-a-seven#notes


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