
K Cup Countertop Storage Drawer

Soon after you purchase a single-serve coffee maker, you'll discover you need a place to store the pods. While you could simply store them on your counter, you might not have enough space to stock more than a week's worth at any given time. That's where a coffee pod holder comes in. This handy invention saves space and keeps all your coffee pods neatly organized. As you begin shopping for the best coffee pod holder, keep the following features in mind.

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Determine how much space you need. If you live in a small apartment or you have a tiny kitchen, you'll want a coffee pod holder that has a smooth flat-top surface that your single-serve coffee maker can sit on. The Mind Reader 'Anchor' Triple K-Cup Drawer, 36-Count offers this and even comes with rubber grips on the bottom of the drawer to keep the unit firmly in place. The rubber grips are excellent at absorbing any vibrations caused by the coffee maker.

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Consider the design and the number of coffee pods the holder can handle. You'll find most coffee storage devices are made to accommodate between 35 and 72 coffee pods. The Nifty Solutions K-Cup Carousel, 35-Count spins 360 degrees, making it a cinch to locate your desired coffee flavor, but you'll only ever be able to store 35 pods at any given time. If you have a larger family, you could go with the DecoBros K-Cup Storage Drawer, 36-Count. While this drawer only fits 36 coffee pods, you can stack multiple drawers on top of each other. Two drawers give you room for 72 pods, while three drawers allow for over 100 pods!

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Look at the drawer models a little more closely. You'll notice some are made with one large drawer, while others, like the Nifty 4-Tier K-Cup Storage Drawer, 72-Count, have multiple drawers. With multiple drawers, you can organize your pods by flavor. Let's say you have four drawers. You could separate your classic roast, hazelnut, French vanilla and hot cocoa pods into different drawers.

K Cup Countertop Storage Drawer


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